Chapter 168 - Set (2)

Second Life Ranker

Yeon-woo wondered what Jang had been up to lately if he was now exuding dark energy. Even though he’d been arrogant before, he didn’t have this kind of demonic energy. Yeon-woo was about to say something, but he realized that the elders might do something about it themselves, so he stayed quiet and just entered the building with Phante.

The elders inside were rushing around more busily than the elders outside. 

“Hahaha! Greenie has already started to potty train! Potty train!”

“Hey! Greenie’s going to be hungry when it wakes up! Bring food quickly!”

“Records! Where are the records? Greenie’s color is changing so we need to write it down. Where are they?”

“What do you mean records? It’s a baby diary!”

All the elders were smiling from ear to ear and talking so loudly that it sounded like a busy road inside. However, as soon as Yeon-woo saw the Legendary Beast, he thought their reactions were understandable. 

Two griffins with the heads of a falcon and the bodies of a lion were cozily sleeping next to each other. One was red and the other was blue, so it was easy to tell them apart. They seemed to exude a sacred atmosphere. Griffins were seen as the best of the Mythical Beasts, and he could see the different energies he’d given them.

[You have successfully cleared the hidden quest (Test of the Abyss Turtle).]

[You have made an achievement that is not easily accomplished.]

[You have acquired 5,000 karma.]

[You have acquired an additional 3,000 karma.]


[You have earned the reward ‘Pieces of the Head Turtle’s Shell x 30’ and ‘Molted Skin of the Tail Snake.’]

[As an additional reward ‘Blessing of the Blue Spirit (Temporary)’ has been changed to ‘Blessing of the Blue Spirit’.]

[Your understanding of spirit magic is still low. Learn spirit magic to evolve ‘Blessing of the Blue Spirit’ into a superior spirit.]

The final quest that he’d received from the Legendary Beasts was now completed. Yeon-woo checked the rewards. 

[Pieces of the Head Turtle’s Shell][Classification: Material][Rank: A++][Quantity: 30][Description: The Abyss Turtle of the 11th floor was a Legendary Beast created from a Mythical Beast and Magical Beast. These are the pieces of the shell of the Mythical Beast. It is an extremely durable material and is good for crafting defensive items.][** This is a unique artifact. No other artifact like this exists in the Tower, and it will be bound to its owner. It cannot be transferred or traded between players.]

[Molted Skin of the Tail Snake][Classification: Material][Rank: A++][Description: The last molted skin that the Magical Beast shed before it became a Legendary Beast. It is tough and sturdy, and it possesses the Venom trait of the Magical Beast before it evolved. It cannot be used on its own and must be made into a weapon.] [** This is a unique artifact. No other artifact like this exists in the Tower, and it will be bound to its owner. It cannot be transferred or traded between players.]

These materials would be a huge help to him. ‘I’ve been thinking of getting a defensive weapon and a new offensive one lately. This could work out well.’ Yeon-woo’s weapons were already ones that would make other rankers feel green with envy, but compared to Vigrid, Aegis, and the Black Bracelet, they were far from adequate. Even Carshina’s Dagger was so dull that it was almost time to throw it away.

Yeon-woo was planning on raising the attributes of all his artifacts, and since he had some leftover Void that he’d received from the Void Dragon, he could use that as well to create a good weapon. ‘Although I want to find Brahm on the twenty-third floor, but I still have to take climbing the Tower seriously.’

Like he had done on the twentieth floor, Yeon-woo was planning on giving everything he had on the twenty-first floor. It wasn’t easy to meet players who were listed in the Hall of Fame, and he wanted to challenge them all, from the 165th to the first place. Among them were ancient, forgotten species and even the Lord who’d owned Bathory’s Vampiric Sword. He’d also see the young versions of the Nine Kings that he was planning to battle one day. It was a chance he couldn’t miss.

And all that aside, his heart beat faster at the thought of meeting someone whom he’d never have a chance to see again, even though he was only a simulation.


『Is that friend going to replace the Abyss Turtle?』 Growl asked Yeon-woo in his head. He’d been sleeping in the Philosopher’s Stone for half a year now, and he’d finally awakened. Was it because he sensed a familiar energy?

『Hehe, Master, I’m up, too!』  Chirpy’s voice also appeared. It seemed like he was done with his development, which might have accelerated when he saw the Legendary Beast. Regardless of the reason, Yeon-woo was relieved. He hadn’t been alone on the twentieth floor because of Shanon and Hanryeong, but he’d occasionally worried because all Chirpy and Growl did was sleep inside the stone.

However, they seemed quite satisfied with their hibernation. ‘How are you feeling?’

『Really good! I want to fly around!』

 ‘I’ll let you do that later, so just wait a bit.’


‘What about Growl?’

『I told you not to call me that! Haven’t you found a better name for me, yet?』

‘I couldn’t think of a good name.’

Growl groaned in frustration, and Yeon-woo couldn’t help laughing to himself. Growl was a bit like Henova and maybe also his brother, who used to get angry like this sometimes. He thought everyone reminded him of his brother.

『How can you think this is funny?』

Yeon-woo stifled his laughter since it seemed like Growl would explode if he continued teasing him. After all, they weren’t even formally contracted to each other just yet. ‘Nemesis.’


‘Your name. What do you think?’

『Hm.』 Growl was silent for a moment, deep in thought. Then he slowly said, 『That’s a god’s name.』

Nemesis was a being of Olympus who dealt with revenge, and he wasn’t as well known or powerful as the twelve Olympians. However, he was still a god, and using his name meant one could borrow his power—but also risked offending him.

Players tended to avoid names that invoked gods, and they’d even change names that seemed to refer to gods. However, Yeon-woo didn’t care.

[The gods and demons on the 98th floor are debating something.]

[A few gods don’t like it.]

[Hermes is convincing them.]

[A few demons are looking at you with interested gazes.]

Messages about the gods and demons popped up again, but Yeon-woo ignored them. He wasn’t interested in letting them influence his feelings and thoughts. Also, he had a goal. A god’s name already contained power in itself; it was a blessing that had the power, character, and the position of the god. If a god liked you, it was a huge advantage.

However, many of those who used a god’s name couldn’t control the power and ended up being cursed. Even though the gods were trapped on the ninety-eighth floor, they could still use some of their powers on the lower floors.

‘It’s a little different in my case, though.’ Yeon-woo was hoping that he’d receive a blessing since he’d already made achievements that interested both gods and demons alike. He was sure he could keep it up in the future, especially if he didn’t cross any lines that would ruin the god’s reputation. He only had to make sure he did justice to his name, and they would grow more famous and bless his Mythical Beasts. It was like a deal between them.

『Nemesis, is it?』 Growl couldn’t answer because it was the name of a god, but he thought the suggestion wasn’t bad. In fact, he liked it a lot. It was the perfect name for what he and Yeon-woo intended, but he didn’t want to anger a god.

‘If you don’t like it, we’ll have to go with Growl.’

『Why are you always so extreme? Do you know that’s a very unpleasant part of your personality?』

‘I know. What’s your answer?’

『Let’s do it.』


[The name of the Demonic Dragon has been changed from ‘Growl’ to ‘Nemesis’. The Mythical Beast will change according to his new name.]

[Nemesis (Demonic Dragon) has acknowledged you as his owner.]

[A new Mythical Beast that has never existed in the Tower before has been born.]

[You have made an achievement that is not easily accomplished. Additional karma and rewards will be provided.]

[You have acquired 5,000 karma.]

[You have acquired an additional 3,000 karma.]

[You have acquired an additional reward.]

[Your health has increased by 5 points.]

[Your magic power has increased by 7 points.]


[Warning! You have borrowed a god’s name. The god Nemesis has decided to remain neutral. The god Nemesis has his eye on you. Be careful not to sully the god’s name.]

[Hermes looks at you with a strange expression.]

Whoosh! Yeon-woo sensed that Nemesis’ foundation had changed quite a bit, even though he couldn’t see it for himself since the Demonic Dragon was inside the Philosopher’s Stone. It felt as though his foundation had grown heavier and darker, as though he were holding in darkness.

Nemesis made a rumbling sound as though he liked his name. Yeon-woo was about to say that that sound was the reason he’d called him “Growl” in the first place, but then he decided it was better not to say anything.

However, he was relieved. He’d been worried about the name for a long time because he simply didn’t have the talent to name anything. But after meeting Apostles like Hepburn and Rebecca, he began thinking that he might as well choose a name that had power behind it. Besides, Nemesis would work harder to avoid angering the god Nemesis. In Jeong-woo’s diary, he had been described as being as prideful as he was strong.

“Tweet!” 『What about me? Huh?』 Chirpy appeared and fluttered his wings in front of Yeon-woo. He’d grown bigger than before, but his expectant, glowing eyes were still as innocent as ever.

‘How about Nike?’

It was the name of the goddess of victory.