Chapter 322 - Letter of Friendship (7)

Second Life Ranker


Freesia was surprised by Yeon-woo’s shock. 『Do you know Fox…I mean, Anastasia?』

Fox was the perfect nickname for Anastasia. She was Victoria’s teacher, and she had spoken harshly to him when he found Victoria, warning him not to return. He could vividly recall how dangerous she was.  

『Ah. I remember Victoria was once a Sadhu. And so was the Iron Lion’s son. Then is that when…?』


Freesia burst into laughter. 『It’s a small world, but no one is a greater hermit than she is. Still, you’re acquainted with her. That’s impressive for a player who just entered the thirtieth floor.』

“I’m not exactly acquainted with her.”

『I suppose. She’s extremely wary of others. But she does all kinds of audacious acts behind that facade.』 Freesia’s eyes narrowed. 『Anyway, our deal is complete. Our trade with Anatasia is finished, too, so you have to take care of the rest.』

“Thank you.”

『For what? This was all just part of a deal.』 Freesia was about to end the session but she remembered something and turned to Yeon-woo. 『Oh, right.』

“Is there something else?”

『Yul misses you. I’ll set up a meeting so you two can see each other. Of course, you’ll have to return safely from Tartarus first.』

Yul. It was a name he was glad to hear. 

『There’s something you’ll have to go through first. I hope things work out.』 Freesia left a mysterious statement behind as she disappeared.  

Yeon-woo quietly put the jade mirror away. 

“I’m not going to be fired, right?” Atran was concerned about his customer being taken from him after learning that his master’s disciple would be appearing soon. 

* * *

Yeon-woo went to the entertainment district in the Outer District. ‘It’s possible she might not be here anymore.’

Freesia said that even she didn’t know Anastasia’s location. Anastasia was a free spirit who moved around even when she was making deals.

Yeon-woo went to the place where he’d met Anastasia for the first time. They’d blown off a roof during their fight, and he thought he might find some clues if he looked around.

“Isn’t that…?”

“Yeah. That mask…he looks like the Hoarder.”

Unlike last time, almost no one approached Yeon-woo. Everyone in the Tower knew him by now. He was the one of the Six New Stars—or rather, the Five New Stars. Rumors said that he always left destruction in his wake, and so everyone treated him like a disaster.

Yeon-woo ignored their gazes as he arrived at the building. It had been restored, and prostitutes and their clients bustled around. However, as soon as they caught sight of Yeon-woo, they disappeared instantly.  

The manager ran out of the building frantically. He was just about to climb into bed with someone he’d been showering presents on. He rushed out in such a panic that he hadn’t even pulled up his pants completely.

When he saw Yeon-woo, he gasped, remembering the disaster that happened before. His hands began to tremble as the memories flooded into his mind. He hadn’t expected Yeon-woo to come back. 

“Is Anastasia here?”


Yeon-woo pulled out the Magic Bayonet and split the air, blowing the roof away again. The customers on the higher floors who had wanted to bed the prostitutes while looking at the view below hid themselves in fear.

“She’s not here.” Yeon-woo glanced inside and quickly turned away.  The manager, who had been standing in a daze when the roof went flying off again, quickly grabbed Yeon-woo. From what he’d heard, Yeon-woo wouldn’t be satisfied with that action. He wasn’t called “Walking Disaster” or “the Return of the Young Martial King” or “Split Personality” for no reason.

“Wh-what are you planning to do?”

Yeon-woo replied with a question. “What are you planning to do?”


“Why aren’t you looking for her?”

The manager was speechless.

“Business is going to get tough if you don’t.” Yeon-woo swung his Magic Bayonet at the building next door. Boom! Boom! Another roof flew off into the distance. When the building shook as though it would collapse. Half-naked customers and prostitutes ran out with the building staff. “She’s not here either.”

「Kya! He acts exactly like his teacher!」

「It truly is better to shake things up if you can’t find what you’re looking for.」

Yeon-woo moved onto the next building. “Shanon.”


“I think you’ve been talking nonsense more frequently these days.”

「Hehe. No way. You’re just imagining it.」

Yeon-woo shook his head. He didn’t know why Shanon was becoming more roguish as time went on. Still, it meant that they were becoming closer, so he wasn’t as annoyed as he pretended to be. Boom!

The buildings collapsed, and people affiliated with shadowy organizations chased after Yeon-woo, not knowing why he was trying to make all the buildings collapse.  

Anastasia was a famous VIP among the people who lived here, and she often came to this place when she had nothing to do. He thought that she might return since he was creating a huge ruckus. 

It was also a warning for the locals to look for Anastasia if they didn’t want the entire district to be ruined. Boom!


“What are you doing?! Look for Ms. Anastasia!”

Anastasia had saved many of them before, but they had no other choice but to give in to Yeon-woo. As the buildings continued to collapse, even the drug addicts snapped out of their stupor.

“What is going on?!” A loud voice echoed from above. The panicking locals stopped running around and bowed. Yeon-woo stopped swinging his sword and turned around. 

Anastasia was standing gracefully on top of the cafe on the fifth floor. Her eyes were half-closed, and only her torso was clothed, leaving her entire lower body exposed. One of the beautiful children who followed her quickly covered her as she looked around. She noticed Yeon-woo. “Kid, did you do this?”

Anastasia was annoyed. She hated being woken up before she was ready. The only source of joy in her life was to fall asleep in a drugged stupor with beautiful children. “Don’t you know who I am? You still dare do this?”

Yeon-woo’s eyes narrowed. She was acting like she didn’t recognize him. He was about to say something when a beautiful child whispered something in Anastasia’s ear. She finally realized who Yeon-woo was and sobered up. “You’re the one who was looking for Victoria.” She scowled. “What are you doing here? I told you never to come back.”

“I’m not here to see Victoria.”

“Why are you here, then?”

『You have the Adamantine Nova, right?』 Yeon-woo used Open Speaking so they could speak privately.

“How did you…oh, you must be behind the one who kept on asking for it.” Anastasia remembered Atran and scowled even more. “Aside from that, how did you know I have it? It’s a secret…that wolf bitch sold me out!” She was furious after realizing it. “This is why lowly merchants…They only flatter people.”

Anastasia promised herself that she wouldn’t let this matter rest with the union. There was nothing worse than letting others pick up information about you. “Leave. I already said multiple times that I’ll sell over my dead body.”

“I need the item.”

“Oh? What are you gonna do with it?’

Yeon-woo looked up at her and pulled out his sword. 

“What is it? You want to burn everything to the ground if we don’t talk?” A smile grew on Anastasia’s face.  

White smoke surrounded Yeon-woo, and he began to gather energy. As soon as Vigrid marked Anastasia as a target, a violent aura whirled around them. The aura of the two high rankers caused the ground to quake. The destruction of the entertainment district seemed imminent.  

“I tried to forgive you because you were my foolish disciple’s friend. But if you want to die, I’m happy to help you.” Anastasia flicked her finger. Magic power raced towards Yeon-woo. His shadow opened, and souls flew out to block her. Boom!

He quickly ran towards Anastasia. If he couldn’t negotiate with her, he’d have to steal it from her. There was no other way and he needed the Adamantine Nova too desperately. If he didn’t take his chances now, he didn’t know how long he would have to wait before finding someone else who had one.

He swung Vigrid. Smoke rose when the Wave of Fire struck Anastasia.