Chapter 262: Have We Met Before?

Solo Farming In The Tower


With the musicians’ performance, music filled the wedding hall, creating an atmosphere befitting a wedding. Prominent guests from powerful factions began to enter one by one.

During this time, at the wedding hall,

Surrounded by animals including the Minotaur King and Ulrich, Sejun was examining the black bead given to him by Theo.

[Caiman Royal Family’s Inner Core]

→ This is a core created through a magical cultivation method passed down only among the Caiman royal family.

→ A significant amount of magic within the Inner core was dispersed due to its forced extraction.

→ The core contains approximately 100 years’ worth of accumulated magic power.

→ Upon consumption, it grants a total of 100 bonus stats. (If consumed by a being with magic power less than 100, the Inner Core will absorb all of their stats instead.)

→ Usage Restriction: Lv. 50 and above, Magic power 100 and above

→ Grade: S

While Sejun was examining the Inner Core,

“Puhuhut. How do you like the bead I found, meow?!”

Kuehehehe. Krueng!

[Hehehe. Dad, Cuengi stepped on it and out popped the bead!]

Theo and Cuengi, with their bellies out and front paws on their waists, boasted proudly and laughed.

“That’s great. Good job.”

Sejun put the Inner Core in his pocket for now and


stretched out his arms to embrace the proud Theo and Cuengi. He decided to think about what to do with the core after the wedding ceremony.

“The wedding ceremony of bride ChuChu~nim and groom Black Rabbit~nim will commence shortly. I ask Iona~nim, who will officiate the ceremony, to come to the podium.”

It seemed like the wedding was about to start, as the announcer, through a magical loudspeaker, called for Iona.

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay. Do well.”

“Do well, meow!”

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Yes!”

With Sejun and Theo’s encouragement, Iona flew towards the podium.

Shortly after,

“Now, the groom shall enter!”



Following the announcer’s words, the wedding march played, and the Black Rabbit, dressed in a white tuxedo, made a grand entrance.

“Our Black Rabbit looks so cool.”

Sejun said, watching the Black Rabbit. You’re a grown up now.

As Sejun was lost in his thoughts watching the Black Rabbit walking toward the podium,

“Chairman Park! Look at me, Vice Chairman Theo! I’m even more cooler, meow!”


[No, Cuengi is the coolest!]

The two still immature attention-seekers clamored for Sejun’s attention.

“Just stay still.”

Sejun said sternly to Theo and Cuengi, and then


embraced them both, turning his attention back to the Black Rabbit’s wedding.


As the Black Rabbit stood in front of the podium where Iona was,

“Next, the bride shall enter!”


In contrast to the earlier music, soft and gentle tones began to play as ChuChu, dressed in a beautiful white dress adorned with a red ribbon, entered the wedding hall.

ChuChu, with her pure white fur, looked radiant in her white dress, as if brightening the entire world around her.

“It’s a carrot flower.”

Sejun remarked, seeing ChuChu holding a bouquet of carrot flowers as she slowly walked towards the podium. The symbolism of the carrot flower was perfect for their wedding: ‘Nothing is too precious, not even life itself.’ It signified a willingness to sacrifice one’s life for a loved one.

Of course, if such a situation ever arose, Sejun would step in to solve it himself. He wouldn’t let anyone make our Black Rabbit and ChuChu unhappy!

As Sejun was making this resolve,


The long train of ChuChu’s white dress swept the floor of the podium. It was several meters long.

Just as all the guests thought it might be difficult for ChuChu to reach the podium without attendants,


A transparent gem embedded in the center of the dress’s bodice started to glow,


and a wind arose, causing the train of the dress to flutter beautifully behind ChuChu.


The guests were in awe as they watched ChuChu. She seemed like the goddess of the wind descending upon the world.


As ChuChu stood in front of the podium, the wind subsided, and the train of her dress neatly settled down behind her.

Once ChuChu stood beside the Black Rabbit,

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. These two rabbits…”

Iona began her prepared wedding speech.


Snore. Snore

Some guests started dozing off, finding Iona’s speech boring.

“Kyoo-kyoo! Everyone, wake up!”

Iona, angered at the guests not paying attention to her painstakingly prepared speech, entered her second stage of fury.

“Hey! Wake up!”

“If you sleep, you die!”

Thanks to her, no one dared to sleep or leave their seat until Iona’s speech was over.

As Iona’s speech was nearly concluding,

“Lastly, I will bestow the great Black Dragon’s blessing and gift upon the couple who are to be married.”


“The great Black Dragon?!”

The guests started murmuring upon hearing Iona’s words.

Receiving the blessing and gift from the great Black Dragon had significant implications.

This was because the two were soon to hold a founding ceremony and become the king and queen of the Red Ribbon Kingdom.

It meant that meddling with the Red Ribbon Kingdom would invite the wrath of the great Black Dragon.

Amidst the murmurs of the guests,

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. First, I will bestow the great Black Dragon’s blessings!”

Iona used the Black Dragon’s scales to engrave dragon tattoos on ChuChu and the Black Rabbit. Although they already had tattoos, they were removed and redone for the wedding guests to see.

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. And this is the gift from the great Black Dragon!”


Iona removed a white cloth covering something in a corner of the wedding hall, revealing a searchlight.

The searchlight, made by Kaiser for Aileen. Since Aileen’s heart had recovered and it was no longer needed, she had modified it and sent it as a gift through Iona.



As the searchlight switched on, an image of the great Black Dragon appeared and roared in the sky. Even though it was a magical illusion, its overwhelming presence left no one in doubt that it was a gift from the great Black Dragon.

The wedding of ChuChu and the Black Rabbit left the guests in tremendous shock.

“Finally, we will begin the bouquet toss. Guests who wish to catch the bouquet, please gather behind the bride.”

The final event of the ceremony was about to begin.

And then,


Sejun was taken aback by what followed.


Guests rushed forward to secure a spot behind ChuChu. Over a hundred people gathered behind her.

Sejun thought the bouquet toss was usually caught by a known acquaintance… but not here. Moreover, it was not limited to either gender.

Many seemed eager to marry. Well, even I want to get married…

“Now, bride, please throw the bouquet with all your strength backwards!”


Following the host’s instructions, ChuChu threw the bouquet backward. The bouquet arched beautifully towards the guests.

“It’s mine!”

“No, I’m going to catch it!”

As the bouquet descended, guests jumped to catch it, but

Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

The bouquet bounced off their hands, flying off in a completely different direction.


Theo instinctively swung his paw at the bouquet flying towards him.


The bouquet hit by Theo’s paw shattered in the air, and the carrot flowers scattered and disappeared.

“That… concludes the wedding ceremony. Guests, please remain seated…”

The host hurriedly wrapped up the ceremony amid the unexpected turn of events.


Black Tower, 4th Floor.

Even after Sejun left, the Cross of Death continued to busily absorb wandering souls, resurrecting them as Black Skeletons.


One such newly resurrected skeleton.

Clatter. Clatter.

It looked around eagerly, trying to understand its surroundings.

Unlike other new Black Skeletons, who were just standing idly.

At that moment,

“Come on over, newbie! I am Philip, the first hoe. From now on, I’ll teach you the basics of farming, starting with making and planting fields.”

As Philip approached the bewildered new Black Skeleton to teach it farming,


Thud. Thud.

The new Black Skeleton, even before being taught by Philip, started repairing the collapsed ridges of soil.

It seemed like it already knew how to farm, probably because it was the soul of a farmer before being resurrected as a Black Skeleton.

However, its skill level was extraordinary.

When the Black Skeleton brought its hand close to a grape sprout,



Green light emanated from the Black Skeleton’s hand, rapidly growing the grape sprout. It began to grow at an incredible speed.

Thanks to this, grapes in the vineyard started bearing fruit quickly.


Clack. Clack.

As the wedding ended, the attendants started placing food on the tables where the guests were seated. The wedding feast commenced immediately.

The guests, getting over the shock of the ceremony, focused on the food laid out.

“But what is this?”

Some guests, intrigued by Sejun’s rice noodles, asked the attendants about the dish.

“This is a dish called rice noodles.”

“Never seen this food before, where did you get it?”

“I heard it was brought by the king’s uncle.”

“Oh! Really? This is delicious.”

Hearing guests praise the rice noodles nearby,



Sejun and Cuengi, who made the rice noodles, couldn’t hide their smiles.


Slurp. Slurp.

Sounds of voraciously slurping food came from a nearby table.


Cuengi turned his head, alarmed by the threatening sound of vanishing food.

“Huh?! Krueng?!”

His eyes met with Legendary Merchant Uren.


Sparks flew between them.

And thus, their private food fighter contest began again.


“I won’t lose this time!”


“The rice noodles are mine!”

While Sejun watched them eagerly eating rice noodles,

Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

He fed churu to Theo while eating. He chose his food based on what he liked from the royal palace menu.

Crunch. Crunch.

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot.”

As soon as the ceremony ended, Iona, who had returned to Theo’s tail, also ate stir-fried peanuts.


“What, baa?! Rice noodles? I said I don’t eat noodles, baa!”


A guest flipped the table. Well… it’s okay to dislike rice noodles, but flipping a table was too much.

And above all…


The food, flung while flipping the table, landed on Cuengi’s head. How dare they disrespect our Cuengi!

Sejun was about to confront the table-flipper when


[You mean you won’t eat the rice noodles Dad and Cuengi made?!]

Cuengi, angered at a strange point, grabbed the person’s collar.



[Have we met before?]

Despite seeing the face for the first time, the voice sounded familiar, so Cuengi asked.

“No… No, baa! I’ve never seen you before, baa!”

Shake shake.

The person, still grabbed by the collar, shook their head vehemently.

Krueng! Krueng!

[No, it’s definitely a familiar voice!]

“But… that can’t be, baa…”

Their voice became smaller, trying to disguise it. This only made them more suspicious.

Sniff. Sniff.

Krueng! Krueng!

[The smell is familiar too! We have met before!]

Cuengi insisted, confident after sniffing the person.


“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Of course. That’s Legendary Merchant Mimyr.”

Iona, who had seen Mimyr’s bare face before, spoke up. Mimyr was currently completely shaven after being sheared by Theo.

“Meow?! You’re Mimyr?!”

Upon hearing Iona’s words, Theo quickly pulled out a contract and sent it to Aileen. Puhuhut. This time you can’t escape, meow!

While Theo was getting Aileen’s stamp,

‘Why am I so unlucky, baa…’

Mimyr, whose collar was grabbed by Cuengi, felt like crying.

Krueng! Krueng!

[There’s no way this isn’t delicious! Let’s eat it quickly!]

Cuengi forced Mimyr to sit down and offered her the rice noodles. Once she tries it, she’ll change her mind!



Under the threatening atmosphere, Mimyr reluctantly began to eat the rice noodles.

And then, Mimyr’s eyes widened.


The Noodle Evangelist Cuengi had led the lamb Mimyr into the world of noodles, and thus, a noodle enthusiast, Mimyr, was born.
