Chapter 348: The Dragon Market VIP is leaving!

Solo Farming In The Tower

Blue Tower Administrative Area.

“Sigh. There’s no way around it…”

Kin Aster, the great leader of the Blue Dragons, sighed heavily. No matter how much he thought about it, there was no way to suppress the water energy of the Blue Tower.

Especially not with the interference of the Apostle of Destruction…

“Is that the only option?”

Having made up his mind, Kin flapped his massive wings and soared towards the territory of the Red Dragons.

A short while later.

“Ramter, give me a few essences of fire.”

Upon arriving at the Red Dragons’ territory, Kin asked Ramter for the essences of fire.

“Essences of fire? What are you planning to use them for?”

“I’m thinking of using them at the Blue Tower.”

Kin planned to detonate the essences of fire to suppress the water energy of the Blue Tower.

“What?! Are you insane?!”

Ramter was shocked by Kin’s words.

Water energy and fire energy are antithetical. If the two energies collide, it could devastate the area around them.

If they were lucky, it might just be one floor, but in the worst case, multiple floors could be obliterated. It would leave floors completely vacant.

“I know it’s a crazy method, but it’s necessary to save the rest. But what is that?”

Kin noticed the Flame Beans that Ramter was holding.

“Ah. This?”

…What should I do?

Ramter was conflicted. Originally, the Four Dragon Council had a rule not to disclose information about the crops grown by Sejun to other dragons.

But with the upcoming launch of the Dragon Market, it would eventually become known to all dragons.

Moreover, Sejun had made a promise while preparing the Dragon Market.

“Those who promote the Dragon Market will receive mileage points that can be used at the Dragon Market.”

Ramter, who had no interest in the mileage points until the Dragon Market opened, intended to maintain this state.

‘But there’s no need to deliberately refuse the coming mileage points.’

Ramter decided to receive Dragon Market mileage points for once and

“Kin, this is something that’s sold at the Dragon Market…”

He began promoting the Dragon Market to Kin, which sells crops with various effects.

“Dragon Market? There’s a place that sells such crops? Ramter, tell me where the Dragon Market is. I want to go too!”

Kin was excited to find crops that could help the Blue Tower.

However, the Dragon Market existed only in the minds of Sejun and Theo. It didn’t exist yet.

“No. The Dragon Market only sells crops to authorized members.”

So Ramter, in haste, claimed it was a membership-only market. His chin lifted, and his voice carried an air of arrogance. He became smug for no reason.

“Is that so…?”

Kin was greatly disappointed by Ramter’s response.

“But I’ll look to see if there are any crops at the Dragon Market that could help the Blue Tower.”

“Really?! Ramter, thank you.”

“Hahahaha. Just trust me! Prepare some Tower Coins. The Dragon Market trades with Tower Coins.”

“Got it! I’ll go get them right away!”

Kin hurried off to gather Tower Coins and flew back to the Blue Tower.





Sejun’s bedroom was filled with the sound of snoring.



‘It’s cold…’

Fenrir woke up in the early morning chill. With droopy eyes, he groped with his front paws, looking for a warm place to move to.

The place he found was Sejun’s pocket. Heheh. I’ll sleep in his pocket.

Fenrir chuckled mischievously as he tried to enter Sejun’s pocket but,

Kking…? Kking?

‘Huh…? Why won’t it fit?’

Before, he would have easily fit, but today, he could only get his head and one paw in—it was too tight.

Fenrir had grown, making it impossible for him to fit in the pocket anymore.


Kking! Kking!

‘I can fit! Because I am the noble wolf, Fenrir!’

Unable to accept reality, Fenrir kept trying to push himself into Sejun’s pocket.


As a result, the pocket tore.


‘My home?!’

What should I do?! Sejun’s pocket was his home. The disappearance of that home was a huge shock to Fenrir.

And following the shock, he realized he had made a huge mistake.

Kking? Kking!

‘He might hate me for breaking home! I better hide!’

In a hurry to find a hiding place, Fenrir crawled inside Sejun’s shirt. He wanted to hide but didn’t want to be away from Sejun.

Heheh. It’s warm…


Hidden inside Sejun’s shirt, Fenrir succumbed to the coziness and dozed off.


“Uren, where do we go now, meow?!”

Once they left the 4th floor of the tower, Theo asked Uren about their destination.

“To the 75th floor. There, right now…”

“Puhuhut. Got it, meow! Follow me, meow!”

Theo cut off Uren’s words and took the lead. I’ll quickly return to Chairman Park, meow!

“Theo~nim, let’s go together!”

Uren hurriedly scurried after Theo.

On their way to the 75th floor.

Theo encountered fragments of Jǫrmungandr seven times due to Uren’s misfortune, earning a huge amount of white coins, and encountered 25 teams of highway robbers, making 1000 slaves.

“Puhuhut. It’s nice to travel with Uren!”

Theo was happy with the results (?) he could never have achieved alone.

“Me too!”

“Puhuhut. That’s right, meow! Know that it’s an honor to travel with Vice Chairman Theo, meow!

“Yes. It’s certainly an honor!!”

“Puhuhut. Since it’s an honor, give me some gold, meow!”


Following Theo’s command, Uren picked up a stone and transformed it into gold to give to Theo.

For Uren, traveling with Theo was a way to spend much less money.

When Uren roamed alone, the money stolen by highway robbers due to threats to his life was several times more than what Theo took from him.

Thus, Theo turned Uren’s misfortune into his own fortune, taking 6 hours to reach the 75th floor, a journey that should have taken only one hour.

“Puhuhut. We’ve arrived, meow!”

“Theo~nim, please take me with you next time too.”

“Puhuhut. Alright, meow! Have lots of money ready, meow!”

“Hehehe. Of course! Theo~nim, take this!”

Uren transformed another stone into gold and handed it over.

“Puhuhut. Thanks, meow!”

Theo bid farewell to Uren and quickly moved towards the 99th floor.



What hurts so much?! Sejun, who opened his eyes to the pain of his side being ripped off, hurriedly touched his side.

Then, he felt something mushy inside his clothes.

A monster?!

As Sejun lifted his clothes, he saw Fenrir squirming and sleeping inside, with clear and small bite marks on his side.


When Fenrir’s mouth was compared to the bite marks on the side, they matched exactly.

Fenrir had bitten Sejun’s side in his sleep.

Fortunately, Fenrir’s biting force was weak. His teeth were dragon teeth. If he had made a mistake, his side would have been ripped off and he would have almost died.

“Damn it, Blackie…”

How dare he hurt me? Sunfish Sejun’s pride was bruised by the fact that he felt threatened for his life by a super sunfish. So, Sejun began to tickle Fenrir.

Kkieehieehit. Kkieehieehit.

Fenrir, who woke up from his sleep laughing uncontrollably at Sejun’s tickling.

Kking! Kking!

‘Keep going! It’s fun!’

Forgetting what he had done at dawn and how he had hidden in Sejun’s clothes, he played excitedly.


“Huh?! Why is this torn?”

Sejun discovered his pocket, which was ripped and fluttering.



‘That’s right!’

I need to hide! Fenrir hurriedly ran away.


Thud thud.

With his thudding steps, he couldn’t run far and ended up signaling to Sejun, “I’m the culprit.”


“Culprit arrested.”


‘Why did I get caught when I ran so fast?’

Fenrir couldn’t understand why he was caught.

When Sejun faced Fenrir and they locked eyes,


‘Why are you looking at me…?’

Fenrir, with a guilty conscience, turned his head to avoid Sejun’s gaze.

“Where do you think you’re looking?!”

Sejun also turned his head to meet Fenrir’s eyes again.


‘Stop looking at me…’

The struggle continued between Fenrir trying to avoid eye contact and Sejun trying to make eye contact.

Kking… Kking…

‘I didn’t mean to do it… I’m sorry…’

Finally, Fenrir admitted his fault.

“Good. Since you’re showing a remorseful attitude, I’ll forgive you.”

Sejun set Fenrir down and took out a needle and thread to mend the torn pocket.


‘Hey! Make it a bit bigger! I can’t fit in there anymore!’

Having regained his confidence, Fenrir demanded that Sejun make the pocket larger.

“Blackie, wait. Let me finish this, and then we’ll play.”

Of course, Sejun couldn’t understand Fenrir’s words and repaired the pocket as it was.

As a result of this miscommunication,


Fenrir tried to put his head into Sejun’s pocket and tore it again.

Kking?! Kking?!

‘Hey! Why didn’t you make it bigger?! Why didn’t you make it bigger, why?!’

This time, Fenrir was actually angry, feeling justified as he had mentioned it but Sejun hadn’t listened.

“Ah. You wanted to get into the pocket?”

Realizing what Fenrir wanted, Sejun took out some unused clothes, cut them up, and sewed a sling bag large enough for Fenrir.

“Here. Get in.”

When Sejun opened the entrance to the sling bag,


Fenrir quickly jumped in.

Kking! Kking!

‘I like this! You did well!’

Fenrir praised Sejun. The bag was more spacious than the pocket and more comfortable to lie in.

As Sejun stepped outside with Fenrir in the sling bag,

– Has our Sejun awakened?

Ramter came looking for Sejun.

“Yes. Hello, Ramter~nim.”

-Right. This time, I…

– Right. I’ve got something to say, I was speaking to Kin, the leader of the Blue Dragons…

Ramter spoke in a quiet voice so other dragons couldn’t hear, telling Sejun he had promised to look for crops for the Blue Tower at the Dragon Market.

“Ramter~nim, thank you!”

‘I was worried about not having a place to plant watermelons… but there’s a place that’s troubled because of too much water.’

Sejun inwardly cheered and expressed his gratitude to Ramter .

– Ahem. It’s nothing, but… But Sejun, what about the mileage?

“Oh! Of course, I’ll provide it! I’ll give you 10 billion mileage! Just so you know, 1 mileage equals 1 Tower Coin.”

– Oh! So, I’ve got 10 billion Tower Coins!

Ramter grinned widely at Sejun’s words.

“Yes. And with 10 billion mileage, you can buy a 30-day trial VIP membership at the Dragon Market.”

-Dragon Market VIP membership?! What is that? Sounds very impressive.

“Ah. As a Dragon Market VIP member, you get a higher status than regular members, which gives you the right to purchase crops before others.”

Sejun explained the benefits of being a Dragon Market VIP.

-Higher status than other dragons? I’ll buy it. The 30-day trial membership for Dragon Market VIP membership.

Enticed by the idea of having a higher status than other dragons, Ramter became the first dragon to become a Dragon Market VIP member.

‘Hehehe. Money saved.’

Sejun effortlessly recouped the 10 billion mileage.

“Here’s the contract.”

Sejun handed Ramter a contract that had to be adhered to in exchange for receiving watermelon seeds from Kin.

-Got it. I’ll convey this to Kin! Hahaha. The Dragon Market VIP is leaving!

Ramter flew off quickly to brag to other dragons.

As Ramter left,

“Ajax, harvest the Sundried Red Peppers.”

“Okay! Hyung! Leave it to me!”

After asking Ajax to harvest the Sundried Red Peppers grown with the Harvest Elixir from yesterday, Sejun went to harvest blueberries.

Upon reaching the spot with ten blueberry trees, Sejun stood in front of a blueberry tree that had absorbed the Harvest Elixir and grown taller than the others.



As he picked a blueberry,

[You have harvested a Magical Blueberry.]

[Your job experience have slightly increased.]

[Your proficiency in Harvesting Lv. 8 has slightly increased.]

[You have gained 70 experience points.]

Messages appeared.

[Magical Blueberry]

→ Grown inside the Black Tower, this blueberry is tasty as it has fully absorbed nutrients.

→ Consuming it increases your magic power by 1 for 10 minutes.

→ The effects can stack up to 10 times within an hour.

→ If the power of the Blue Moon is sufficiently absorbed, a special effect will be added.

→ Cultivator: Tower Farmer Park Sejun

→ Shelf Life: 150 days

→ Grade: A

Like Magical Cherry Tomatoes and Magical Peanuts, this crop increases magic power by 1 for 10 minutes.

The difference is that it gains a special effect if it absorbs the power of the Blue Moon.

“This is the first time I’ve seen something like this.”

With the Blue Moon rising in 12 days, Sejun decided to check what additional effects would occur when that time comes and started harvesting the blueberries when

“Chairman Park, I’m back, meow!”

Theo flew towards Sejun’s face.
