Chapter 636: Progenitor Chen’s Name

Star Odyssey

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed. Although it had only been a month since he had last seen the fatty, Huang San’s power had improved very rapidly. This was all due to the Sixth Mainland’s special cultivation system. 

Clap clap clap!

Mr. Bai applauded. “It sure lives up to its reputation of being one of the unrivaled bloodlines. Fat Bro, as long as you continue to cultivate this bloodline, you’ll eventually be able to challenge Autumnfrost Qing once you become a Cruiser.” 

Huang San was pleased with all the praise. 

Miss Qing pointed behind the fatty. “Careful, that guardian is coming back.”

The fatty didn’t have any time to even react when he heard some rustling as wind blew past his ear, followed by a thump. The First Divine Gate Guardian had already been reduced to scrap metal, and he slowly turned around to see a grinning Mr. Bai. 

“Let’s go, we have to hurry up,” Mr. Bai said casually.

The fatty’s face twisted when he looked at the broken guardian laying on the ground. This companion of his was a bit too freakish, and Huang San’s rising confidence was immediately struck back down. 

Lu Yin and Miss Qing casually walked past the fatty as he hurried to catch up. 

“Where are we headed?” Miss Qing asked. 

Mr. Bai spun his folded fan around as he replied, “We’ll still head over to that subsidiary city, as that place can be considered slightly safer.” 

Miss Qing’s lips twisted. “I don’t want to go there.”

Mr. Bai looked over at her. “The other areas are a bit more dangerous, and the probability of gaining any harvest elsewhere is also reduced.” 

“Let’s just try. It wasn’t easy for me to get this futon, so we can’t just stay in that city all the time,” Miss Qing said. She then looked over at the fatty. “What do you think?” 

The fatty turned to Lu Yin and made some wild motions.

Lu Yin’s expression remained calm.

Mr. Bai shrugged. “Very well. Since that seems to be the consensus, I’ll take you three to a different place. Although it contains a bit of danger, if we’re lucky, we might even be able to obtain a secret technique.”

“A secret technique?” Miss Qing and the fatty cried out.

Mr. Bai’s lips curled upwards. “That’s right, a secret technique. Have you guys heard of the Fifth Mainland’s Progenitor Chen?” 

“Progenitor Chen?” Miss Qing cried out, sounding as if she had heard of some incredible character.

Mr. Bai’s face showed clear reverence. “Even though the Fifth Mainland ended up suffering the despair of defeat, it is still difficult to conceal their exceptionally brilliant powerhouses. The Fifth Mainland’s Progenitor Chen. His name is forbidden by the Sixth Mainland, and there are no concrete records of him either. However, according to the legends, during an ancient battle, Progenitor Chen took down two of our Sixth Mainland’s Progenitors, which astounded everyone.” 

Miss Qing somberly added on, “Legend has it that Progenitor Chen was brilliant and splendid. Apparently, he created a cultivation technique through the stars, and he was praised as a genius of his era. During each great battle, at least two Progenitors had to team up to stall Progenitor Chen, who was the most dazzling star during those ancient ages.” 

Mr. Bai continued. “Legend also has it that Progenitor Chen created the Nine Clones Secret Technique, which allowed him to split his body into nine copies. Supposedly, this technique gave rise to nine ancestors, who were each unrivaled in the universe. From the moment his cultivation began, he was unrivaled and never lost a single battle. He was a true powerhouse who stood at the zenith.” 

Miss Qing also had more to say. “Also, according to the legends, when Progenitor Chen stepped onto the path of cultivation, there was a marvel that appeared in the heavens, and he was one of the few who was able to avoid divination.” 

“There are too many legends concerning Progenitor Chen, and they have all been passed down as a part of various families’ inheritances. There are no concrete records, but that is actually proof that Progenitor Chen was someone who our Sixth Mainland could not tolerate. Even though he has already been dead for countless years, his existence has never been formally recognized, as our history cannot allow such a person to have existed,” Mr. Bai explained. 

Lu Yin listened to the various descriptions in silence, not showing anything on his face. However, he was inwardly startled. Many people had cultivated and fought only to leave their names in history, but history did not even dare to acknowledge this person. What sort of level had this Progenitor Chen reached? 

“Seventh Bro, this monkey once saw some records related to Progenitor Chen in a powerhouse’s journal. He was indeed a powerhouse who truly existed, and he almost changed history. However, there are way too few records that reference him. Even the shattered Fifth Mainland doesn’t hold any accounts of him in our history,” the Ghost Monkey said. 

“Was there really such an exaggerated character?” the fatty cried out, as these descriptions seemed to be rather unbelievable. 

Mr. Bai firmly stated, “These accounts are not exaggerated. Everything that we mentioned earlier might not be exactly what Progenitor Chen accomplished, but there’s an even scarier rumor.” Mr. Bai glanced over his companions before quietly continuing. “Progenitor Chen... is still alive.” 

“Impossible. That’s just a conspiracy theory. Someone just wants to incite a fight to change the situation.” Miss Qing immediately denied such a possibility. 

Mr. Bai nodded. “That is correct. There is no one who is willing to believe it. Or rather, there is no one who dares to believe it.” 

“How is Progenitor Chen connected to where we’re headed?” Huang San could not resist asking. 

Mr. Bai replied, “Back then, Progenitor Chen left a palm imprint in a certain location, and there are rumors that people who were able to copy that palm imprint have been able to comprehend certain battle techniques that belonged to Progenitor Chen. According to some records, that palm imprint may even contain Progenitor Chen’s personal secret technique.” 

“The Nine Clones Secret Technique?” Miss Qing was stunned.

Mr. Bai shook his head. “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be possible for it to be the Nine Clones Secret Technique. If that secret technique still existed, then our three Progenitors definitely would not let anyone else come into contact with it, and they would do their best to comprehend it themselves. At that point, it would no longer be any of our business.”

Miss Qing grew disappointed. “What a pity. If we could learn the Nine Clones Secret Technique and split our bodies into nine copies that each has our full power, that would be completely terrifying.” 

The fatty was speechless. “There’s really a secret technique for anything. That has to be fake.”

“Perhaps. In any case, we will go and take a look at the palm print left behind by Progenitor Chen. That mark might possibly be the most direct evidence that Progenitor Chen once lived,” Mr. Bai suggested before leading the way.

Lu Yin and the others followed behind him. 

In another location within the Daosource Sect, Wendy Yushan waited for Lu Yin for a full day, but she still had not seen him. She finally moved just outside the mountain gate and saw that above it were the words “Third Azure Gate.” After seeing that, she waited no longer and proceeded along the mountain path. 

Lu Yin could not fully grasp Mr. Bai’s power, who led the way through First Divine Gate and towards the Budding Terrace. Their trip was rather smooth and was only occasionally interrupted by the Fatty’s rants. 

The Budding Terrace was the safest place in the Daosource Sect's ruins, but few people stayed there. The three youths then continued to follow Mr. Bai to a place known as Heaven’s Pit, which was the name that had been given to Progenitor Chen’s palm print. 

The path to the palm print was not safe, though that wasn’t because of human interference or anything like that. Rather, it was due to the occasional spatial crack that would appear as a result of the ancient war’s aftereffects, and one of them nearly claimed the fatty’s life. 

The fatty had thought that obtaining the Sky-Eater Pig bloodline and the related increase in strength would allow him to proudly walk alongside these three. However, he now felt that he was still a great distance behind them. 

After a full day’s march, the four arrived before a pillar of light. “Once we pass through this, we will arrive in the area that holds Heaven’s Pit. After the ancient war, the Daosource Sect was broken apart, and many of its places were changed. The region that holds Heaven’s Pit has been isolated.” 

“There are many places in the Daosource Sect that can’t be entered, and these light pillars were reportedly connected by our Sixth Mainland’s Progenitors,” Miss Qing said. 

Mr. Bai looked surprised. “It seems that you know quite a bit.”

“You’re not too bad yourself,” she replied.

That fatty moved over next to Lu Yin. “Don’t the two of us seem like a couple of country bumpkins?”

Lu Yin silently shifted away. His status allowed him to know the greatest secret of the entire universe, and he was no country bumpkin. This fatty was the bumpkin, as he did not seem to know anything at all. 

They stepped into the light pillar, and soon, the four appeared in another region. Huang San shouted in fear as a spatial crack streaked past him. If not for Lu Yin’s quick response, even if the fissure hadn’t killed the fatty, a good chunk of his fat would have been sliced off. 

“This is no safe haven,” the fatty lamented. 

Mr. Bai smiled. “That’s right. Aside from the Budding Terrace, there is nowhere else that is safe in the entire Daosource Sect. Fat Bro, it is still possible to head back.” 

The fatty shook his head. “Fat Bro has an unrivaled bloodline, so it would be too embarrassing for me to retreat now.” 

The four of them looked out at the new area, but they were greeted by an area of darkness. There was no starry sky above their heads; instead, there was a spatial crack that seemed to be filled with flowing space, like flowing water. This space seemed to have been intentionally carved out. 

Lu Yin’s heart shuddered, as this was his first time visiting such a place. If a problem broke out in this space, everything within it would vanish, and not a single person would be able to escape. 

The fatty took one glance at the sky and henceforth did not dare to look up anymore. He was so terrified that he felt a bit anxious. 

“Heaven's Pit is just ahead of us. Let’s go,” Mr. Bai said. He then leaped up and dashed forward. 

The few youths did not fly, as the sky above them formed from spatial cracks quelled any desire that they may have had of flying. 

The region that Heaven's Pit was in was not overly large, and the four quickly arrived at the border of Heaven's Pit. 

A single palm imprint was over a hundred kilometers wide, and the ground at the bottom of the imprint was at least fifty meters lower than the surroundings. It was so clearly defined that even its palm lines could be seen. 

This palm imprint was a massive pit that was quite deep, and there were currently more than twenty people standing around it who were trying to achieve enlightenment. There were also five stone pillars that rose high into the sky, one located at the tip of each finger, positioned just like a seal. Each stone pillar had a platform at the top that was only about a square meter in area, and they could hold four to five people at the most. 

“Only by standing atop one of the stone pillars can one clearly see the entire outline of this palm. Thus, the best place to comprehend the palm print is naturally from there,” Mr. Bai said. He then focused his gaze upon the five stone pillars. 

There were people atop each of the stone pillars with some having more and others less. There was also one pillar that only held a single person. 

“Let’s grab one for ourselves.” Miss Qing was eager, and she also had a rather violent personality. 

The fatty frowned as he stared at one of the distant stone pillars, specifically at the one positioned on the tip of the index finger. This was the pillar with only one person on it. “That person feels kind of familiar to me. He should be from the Bloodburn Realm.” 

Mr. Bai looked over. “I don’t recognize him.”

Miss Qing shook her head. “Me neither.”

It went without saying that Lu Yin was similarly clueless, but he simply continued to stare at the palm lines. These were the palm lines of the Fifth Mainland’s Progenitor Chen, which should have been comprehended by people from his own universe. However, it had been seized by the Sixth Mainland. 

The fatty only stared at the person for a bit while feeling that they seemed familiar, but he could not recognize the youth atop the pillar. 

“So which one does everyone want to take?” Mr. Bai asked.

Miss Qing pointed at the stone pillar that was at the tip of the middle finger. “That one. We’ll be able to see the palm print the best from there.”

Mr. Bai looked over and saw that there were five cultivators on that pillar, which was one more than their own group. 

“Deaf-mute Bro, what do you think?” Mr. Bai looked towards Lu Yin. 

Lu Yin looked at the five stone pillars and saw that Miss Qing was right—the middle finger’s stone pillar had the clearest view of the palm print. He was about to speak, but then, his gaze suddenly trembled as he saw three shadows dash towards a stone pillar. It appeared that these people also wanted to take control of a pillar, and they were targeting the pillar at the index finger with only a single person on it. 

A tall man was seated at the top of the pillar, and when the three newcomers dashed up to him, he licked his lips. His eyes emitted a dense bloodlust while thirst and excitement could be seen within his eyes. 

“Bro, make some space!” One man dashed onto the peak of the pillar as his imprint appeared behind him. He then waved his hands, causing a strange mutant beast to manifest in the void and snarl. At the same time, the other two youths took action as well. They were aware that if a single person could hold a pillar on his own, then he had to be an expert. However, they were also very confident in their own power. When the three of them teamed up, even if they were defeated, they should still be able to retreat without any casualties. 

The tall man’s eyes went wide, but he did not even bother trying to dodge the incoming attacks. He directly clashed against the mutant beast that had formed in the void as densely-packed white, bony spikes emerged from his body. They shredded the mutant beast apart. Then, the tall man turned and grabbed at the man who had charged up the pillar first. That man’s pupils shrank, and he hurriedly tried to back away.

“Retreat! Cover me!” After making contact with the tall man in just a single exchange, he already knew that the three of them could not deal with this person.