Chapter 114 Cascades: Hurt

Transmigration: Of Mysteries and Songs

Chapter 114 Cascades: Hurt

"Just look at this! What treachery is this!" The Emperor slammed a bunch of reports onto the floor in front of the officials before him. Attendants rushed to clear the mess on the floor.

"The governor of the Shanyin Province has been found guilty of embezzlement, causing a severe shortage of funds in the province's treasury and worsening the aftereffects of the floods in the area, causing thousands of my people to die of starvation! Now the people are turning their anger towards me! Even the original messenger bearing this report has been murdered! The Villa of Mount Baicha has been giving much aid to the area by sharing their food reserves with the public, and now the people only speak of their name!"

"My people should be mine to take care! Who is the Villa of Mount Baicha to do it for me?" The Emperor slammed his fist onto the table, coughing in his rage.

The officials quickly cried in unison. "Please calm your anger, your Majesty?"

"What use is that now?" The Emperor raged. His eyes fell upon the Heir.

"My Heir, haven't I set you upon this problem with the Villa? Tell me, then: what have you found out about the mastermind behind it? Why haven't you reported any of these important issues to me?"

The Heir stepped forward and tried to explained himself. "My apologies, Father. The Head of the Villa is a cunning man, and I have not managed to gather any information about his identity till this day."

The Emperor's face darkened, obviously displeased with the Heir's lack of results. His expression did not go unnoticed by the officials of the court, and Jiang Moyin sighed inwardly. The Heir can't go on like this anymore!

The 8th Prince stepped forward. "Father, I believe that the issue of utmost importance is to appease the people of the Shanyin Province. We have to uphold the image you have in the hearts of the people."

"You make sense, Ren'er."  The Emperor's face softened a little. He waved for the prince to continue. "What do you have in mind?"

"I suggest that we can fork out an amount from the Imperial Treasury for disaster relief, sending it to the Shanyin Province with a trusted official to help in the rebuilding of the counties. At the same time, Father can set someone on the case of the embezzlement, rooting out all the parties involved in this scandal. Furthermore, I believe that more people can be put on the issue of the Villa of Mount Baicha to aid the Heir in his investigation." The 8th Prince delivered his proposals coolly ad slowly, garnering nods and grunts of approval from the officials in court.

"Your proposals sets my heart at ease, Ren'er." The Emperor paused. "To appease the people of the Shanyin Province, you will go on my behalf, Ren'er. You are to bring all supplies and silver to the province to aid in disaster relief after a thorough check by the _________; do not disappoint me, my son."

"Yes, Father. I will not let you down." The 8th Prince could barely contain his excitement, kneeling to accept his appointment.

The Heir's face darkened and was about to step forward to voice his objection but the Minister of the Left quickly held him back. Ignoring the displeasure in the eyes of the Heir, the Minister shook his head. Now is not the time to go against the Emperor's wishes.

"Where is my Minister of the Right?" The Emperor continued.

"I am here, your Majesty. How may I be of service?" The Minister of the Right stepped forward and bowed to the Emperor.

"You are to investigate in the case of the embezzlement of the governor. Leave no stone unturned; I want every single evidence on my table at the end of your investigation." The Emperor's soft features were now commanded respect. "The 8th Prince is new to such matters; aid him whenever you see fit."

"Yes, your Majesty." The Minister bowed respectfully, nodding at the Eight Prince as well.

"My Minister," the Emperor continued, "look into the issue of the Villa of Mount Baicha as well, if you can spare the time. There are only two options for them; surely, you must know what they are."

"Yes, your Majesty." The Minister bowed, and added. "May I have one request?"


"I would like to request for the aid of Chamberlain Feng in the investigation of the case of embezzlement, your Majesty. I'm afraid that it might involve any of the nobility and it would be much more convenient to have Chamberlain Feng by my side in the investigation."

The Emperor waved a hand in the air. "Approved."

"Thankyou, your Majesty." The Minister and Chamberlain Feng spoke in unison.

The Heir's face was almost contorted in rage. Is Father trying to shame me in front of the entire court? The investigation of the Villa of Mount Baicha is supposed to be my assignment!

When the court was dismissed, Jiang Moyin and the Minister of the Left quickly caught up to the Heir, who'd stalked off angrily.

"Please contain your anger, your Highness."

The Heir's face was writhing in anger. "What is Father doing! If even such important tasks are assigned to my 8th Brother, is my position as the Heir Apparent worth anything at all?"

"Be careful of your words, your Highness!" The Minister glanced around frantically, heaving a sigh of relief when he did not catch anyone eavesdropping on their conversation. Fearing that the Heir's words would continue to get out of hand, he gently guided him towards a corner. The Heir followed reluctantly, with Jiang Moyin close behind.

"I understand your displeasure, your Highness." The Minister tried to reason with the Heir. "But it's best not to go against his Majesty's wishes during such a sensitive time."

"What, then? Am I supposed to just sit and watch as my 8th Brother gets all the opportunities?" The Heir could barely keep his voice down. "Do I have to deal with my 8th Brother, now that my 7th Brother is finally gone? Perhaps Father just does not like me in this position as his Heir, huh? What's next then? Will he turn his adoration onto my 11th Brother next?"

"You can't say that of his Majesty, your Highness!" The Minister panicked.

Jiang Moyin suddenly spoke up. "The fact is that the 8th Prince has managed to complete all of the tasks assigned to him, and with stellar results nonetheless. He has indeed maintained a profile well suited to his Majesty's goals for his sons."

"What did you say?" The Heir narrowed his eyes at Jiang Moyin. "Are you trying to say that my 8th Brother is better than me?"

The Minister was surprised at hearing Jiang Moyin's words as well. Why is the Grand Tutor saying this of the Heir? He was one of the first advisors by the side of the Heir, and was always steadfast in his support as well!

"You've misunderstood my words, your Highness." Jiang Moyin did not flinch from his gaze. "Although his Majesty has set the Minister of the Right on the investigation of the Villa as well, he did not remove you from the investigation. I believe that he will be greatly pleased, if you do indeed manage to solve the problem at hand."

"Hmph! I'm too busy to bother myself with trivial matters, such as that of this small Villa." The Heir turned away from Jiang Moyin in disdain, as if trying to show his displeasure.

The Minister of the Left tried to persuade him as well. "The Grand Tutor speaks with reason, your Highness. It doesn't hurt for you to look into the matter, if you can indeed spare the time. You're free to use any of the resources under my command."

The Heir considered for a moment and finally nodded, albeit reluctantly. Not waiting for his two advisors, he stalked off and returned to his grounds in the palace.

"Grand Tutor, do you perhaps feel if the Heir has been greatly different these days? He's not the same man he'd used to be." The Minister voiced his concern to Jiang Moyin as the two of them walked towards the palace gates.

"There's more than that." Jiang Moyin sighed. "More and more of the officials in court are getting displeased by the Heir's conduct. Many of those whom he'd managed to bring to his side are but unreliable allies, jumping to the side of the 8th Prince now that he's garnered the favour of his Majesty. But that's not the worst; I'm more worried about what his Majesty thinks of the Heir's actions and conduct."

"What do you advise we do, then? We can't just watch the Heir go on like that, or all our efforts will go to waste!"

Jiang Moyin frowned. "Do you feel the same about the Heir? That he's been thinking more and more like his Majesty. If that happens, it'll really be the end for us."

The Minister was sombre. "We'd best treat this seriously, then."

As the two exited the palace gates, a voice called out to them. "Moyin." Jiang Moyin looked up to see Situ waiting for him, leaning by the palace walls.

"Duke of Anping." The Minister greeted Situ, and turned to Jiang Moyin. "I shall take my leave first, then."

Jiang Moyin bowed in return. As the Minister left, Jiang Moyin turned to Situ. "It's rare that you'll wait for me here."

Situ raised an eyebrow and walked towards him. "It didn't go well with the Heir?"

Jiang Moyin smiled, shaking his head. "Are you here to gather information on us?"

"No need for that." Situ was as confident as ever. "Your health has been deteriorating these days; it's best if you worry less about such matters."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Jiang Moyin tightened his cloak around himself. "Did you check on Luodi today? She's spending her birthday in the villa outside the city today, but she isn't letting me visit."

"All the more that I wouldn't be allowed to visit if even you, her elder brother, are not allowed to visit her."

Jiang Moyin glanced at Situ,  but decided to change the topic. "Seems like everything is going according to your plans, huh? 'He' will be back in Chang'an soon enough, from the look of things. You've always been ahead of everyone else all this while, huh?" Jiang Moyin grinned. "It's a pity that we're on different sides."

"It's not too late to change sides now." Situ looked Jiang Moyin in the eye.

Jiang Moyin shook his head. "I, Jiang Moyin, will be loyal to only one person in my life."

Situ frowned, and was about to say something else when Jiang Moyin cut him off with a wave of his hand. "I'll be going back, then. Say hi to Luodi for me when you visit - I know you will." With the help of his attendant, Jiang Moyin slowly boarded his carriage.

Situ watched as the carriage disappeared at the end of the street and sighed. Some endings are already obvious to all, before things have even begun.

"Your Highness, your horse is ready." An attendant handed the reigns of Whirlwind to Situ.

"Good. You may return to the residence." Situ mounted Whirlwind in a swift motion and headed straight for the city gates. Following the directions provided by his Covert Guards, Situ quickly found a cluster of villas in the outskirts of the city, a plaque on the estate reading: The Lin Residence. "Lin", was the surname of the Yushan Commandery Prince. Leaving Whirlwind to graze in the area, Situ nimbly leapt onto a tall tree growing by the side of the estate.

He saw Feng Luodi immediately, reclining on cushions in the courtyard, basking in the afternoon sun. She looked more frail than when he'd last seen her; the melancholy still hung to her like a shroud, but her lips were turned upwards in a relaxed smile. Dressed in a white gown embroidered with green ivy, her face was clean of makeup and her hair held up in a simple hairpin of white jade.

He felt as if he'd understood something. Their relationship hurt his heart, but it harmed her health.