Chapter 125 Cascades: The Flavours of Life

Transmigration: Of Mysteries and Songs

Chapter 125 Cascades: The Flavours of Life

"Fish in Sour Soup, Soured Bamboo Shoots with Chicken, Soured Pork Ribs, Chicken Feet in Vinegar, Sweet and Sour Pickled Carrots…" Qi Jianqiu proudly introduced the names of her dishes, but Feng Luodi and Scarlet had their mouths wide open. Even Duo, who was hiding in the shadows, was dazed by the "sour-ness" of the menu.

"Jianqiu, did vinegar do something to offend you?" Feng Luodi grabbed Qi Jianqiu's hand while motioning for Scarlet to quickly return the dishes into the hamper.

"You're making fun of me again!" Qi Jianqiu smacked Feng Luodi on her arm but did not notice Scarlet's actions. She plopped back down into her seat cradling her head in her hands, obviously distracted.

Feng Luodi looked at her friend closely and suddenly thought of a possible cause for her distractedness. Her lips turned upwards into a smile.

"I'd heard that Gan Qingjia went to Moonglade again yesterday, is it true?"

"I knew he'd go there again, that sleazy fellow!" Qi Jianqiu immediately spouted a whole load of complaints about Gan Qingjia. "He's already a Rank Three Official of the court, yet he still spends many of his days in Moonglade; it's as if his soul has been stolen by that Linglong! And he does it with the excuse that he is meeting other officials on official matters; is there any official matter that will need to be settled in a zither parlour? How brazen!"

Feng Luodi did not expect such an outburst from Qi Jianqiu. "I'm just joking, Jianqiu. I'm not even sure if he went yesterday."

"He definitely did!" Qi Jianqiu was still upset, her cheeks puffed in anger.

"Jianqiu…" Feng Luodi finally asked the question that has been nagging at her. "Why are you so upset at him going to Moonglade? Have you ever thought about your own feelings? You might regret it for life if you let some people go just like that."

"I'm not…" Qi Jianqiu turned to look at Feng Luodi, about to retort. A tiny voice in her heart called out to her and she recognised the truth behind Feng Luodi's words. It's time for you to mature, and make heads of your feelings. After all, you are Qi Jianqiu, a girl with the courage to love and hate.

"Alright. I've made a decision." Qi Jianqiu stood up. "I'm going to finish this and then get my answer. Don't stop me, Luodi!"

"Why would I stop you?" Feng Luodi laughed, thinking that Qi Jianqiu was going to talk things out with Gan Qingjia. Qi Jianqiu got the support she needed from her good friend and quickly bide farewell, leaving the hamper of food behind.

Feng Luodi stood in the courtyard and sighed. "Jianqiu is finally growing up."

Scarlet interrupted her thoughts. "Young miss, you're almost the same age as Young Miss Qi, why do you speak as if you're her elder?"

"Do I?" Feng Luodi acted surprise, covering her mouth with a hand.

Scarlet laughed at her antic. She looked earnestly at Feng Luodi. "You were all sad and sickly a while back; please don't go back to that state, young miss. We all like you better like that."

Feng Luodi smiled and patted Scarlet's hand. "Let's bring these dishes back for Jet; I remember her fondness for sour foods."

Scarlet nodded and picked up the hamper. "Jet is in luck again. Man, why is she never putting on any weight even though she eats so much everyday?"

Feng Luodi shrugged. "I can't do anything to help you about that."

Scarlet sighed, bringing the hamper back to Jet in her room, leaving Feng Luodi alone in the courtyard. Only then did Feng Luodi drop her façade and laughed bitterly. She can give good advice to Qi Jianqiu, but she cannot accept her own advice. It was but a mask.


Qi Jianqiu first headed home to change into the clothes of a man, then headed straight to find Xue Yiqi.

"Are you busy today?"

Xue Yiqi shook his head truthfully. "My shift is on tonight; I'm free in the day."

"That's good; let's go then!" Qi Jianqiu grinned. "I'll show you the world."

Naturally, Xue Yiqi was glad to spend time alone with Qi Jianqiu. He quickly followed her out of his residence, not even bothering to ask about their destination. Before long, they arrived in front of The House of A Hundred Flowers.

"Let's go." Qi Jianqiu was about to enter but Xue Yiqi quickly held on to her.

"Wait a minute, this is a brothel! How can you, a girl, go into such places?"

"I've told you that I'd wanted to come here." Qi Jianqiu was composed. "You didn't say no to me that time."

Now Xue Yiqi remembered what she was talking about. "I thought you were joking."

"I never joke about things like that." Qi Jianqiu shook her head and looked Xue Yiqi in the eye. "I won't force you, but I am going in no matter what." She walked towards the brothel but Xue Yiqi held her back again.

"Don't be so stubborn, Jianqiu. You can't go in there! You are the daughter of the Minister of the Right; it'll severely damage your reputation!"

Qi Jianqiu frowned and shook his hand off. "I've never cared about the judgement of others and have always done things however I'd wanted. I like to be free; I don't need you to tell me such things."

"I'm not trying to…" Xue Yiqi hated his clumsy tongue; he could not win the quarrel against Qi Jianqiu. Seeing her walking towards the brothel again, Xue Yiqi could only try to grab her arm again. However, Qi Jianqiu was ready for him this time. She quickly sidestepped and nimbly continued her advance towards the brothel.

"Stop there!" A familiar voice called out. The two of them turned around to see the uncharacteristically sombre face of Gan Qingjia.

"Are you talking to me?" Qi Jianqiu frowned, looking as if she was on the verge of exploding.

"What do you think?" Gan Qingjia stepped forward and gripped her wrist tightly, dragging her towards an alley by the side of the street to avoid attracting attention. Qi Jianqiu struggled furiously but to no avail.

"Third Brother, don't use so much strength on her! Her wrist is already red."

Gan Qingjia ignored him, only letting go of her hand when they were in the alley. He looked at her with a sombre expression. Qi Jianqiu rubbed her wrist and glared at Gan Qingjia.

"What are you doing? It's none of your business!"

"Is that why you are going to the brothel?" Gan Qingjia's tone was unfriendly.

"Why?" Qi Jianqiu looked at him mockingly. "Why can you go but I can't? Are you afraid that I'll steal your beauties away from you?"

"Whoever said that I'd been there before?" Gan Qingjia frowned.

"I don't care." Qi Jianqiu was annoyed. "It's none of your business, where I want to go!" She turned to leave, but Gan Qingjia stepped forward and hit her pressure point, freezing her in mid-step.

"Third Brother, what are you doing?" Xue Yiqi looked on, confused.

"Gan Qingjia, release me right now!" Qi Jianqiu's face was a bright red.

Gan Qingjia ignored her pleas, turning to Xue Yiqi. "Situ is waiting for you at our usual place; he has something to discuss with you. Go now."

"But…" Xue Yiqi looked hesitatingly at Qi Jianqiu. "What about Jianqiu?"

"Don't worry, I'll send her home." Gan Qingjia was calm.

"Yiqi, release me!" Qi Jianqiu changed targets.

Xue Yiqi hesitated. Gan Qingjia spoke a matter-of-factly. "If you release her, she is going to go to the brothel. Do you want that?"

Xue Yiqi looked apologetically at Qi Jianqiu. "Jianqiu, just listen to Third Brother for now. He'll send you home afterwards. I'll go meet up with First Brother for now."

"Yiqi!" Qi Jianqiu felt helpless. Despite her pleas, Xue Yiqi quickly turned to leave, leaving Qi Jianqiu and Gan Qingjia alone together. "Gan Qingjia, what exactly do you want from me?" Qi Jianqiu was fuming. If looks could kill, Gan Qingjia would've been dead by now.

"I just want to talk." Gan Qingjia sighed and stepped forward, releasing the flow of her Qi.

Qi Jianqiu reached out an arm to slap him as soon as she was free. "Who wants to talk to you?"

Gan Qingjia grabbed her hand and looked straight into her eyes. "We can't talk at all if you keep acting like that; how will we ever know what the other person is thinking?"

Qi Jianqiu suddenly calmed down. She retracted her hand and looked expressionlessly at Gan Qingjia. "I have no interest in knowing about whatever it is you're thinking. I'm going home." She turned to leave.

Gan Qingjia was pissed. Why is this woman always backing out at the last second? We will never be able to break that last wall! He stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders. As Qi Jianqiu spun around, annoyed, he pressed his lips against hers forcefully.

Qi Jianqiu widened her eyes in surprise, and it was a while before she fully comprehended what was going on. Did this guy just kiss my by force? The thought that he'd probably done this with many other women flashed through her head and she held in her embarrassment, striking out towards Gan Qingjia with her leg. Gan Qingjia stepped back just in time to avoid the kick.

Qi Jianqiu wiped at her lips and glared at Gan Qingjia. "You'd better give me an explanation right now, or you'll die a horrible death, whoever you are."

"Do you not see it?" Gan Qingjia grinned, as if he'd just tasted a heavenly nectar.

"What? Qi Jianqiu balled her fists, ready to give the man in front of her a punch at any moment.

"I like you." Gan Qingjia said the words calmly, as if it was just a simple sentence. Qi Jianqiu froze and felt her cheeks heat up immediately. But one look at the stupid grin on Gan Qingjia's face was enough to calm her down. She gave a fake smile.

"Who's going to believe that? I'm sure you've said the same thing to Linglong."

"Never." Gan Qingjia shook his head vehemently.

"I saw you touching her hand! Are you still not going to admit it?" Qi Jianqiu tightened her fists.

"Cough, cough." Gan Qingjia coughed lightly. "That was an accident. Haven't you held Crystal's hands as well?"

Qi Jianqiu was at a loss for words. "You're a man, and I'm a girl. That's the difference!"

Gan Qingjia raised a brow. "Did you treat yourself as a woman when you touched her hands?" He leaned in closer to Qi Jianqiu. "We're the same. If you can accept me, I'll never go to such places again."

"Men can never be trusted with their words." Qi Jianqiu glared at him.

Gan Qingjia leaned in further. "Then we can go together. You'll watch me, and I'll watch you. All we're gonna do is to listen to the music."

Qi Jianqiu thought about it for a moment but quickly came to her senses. She pushed Gan Qingjia's face away. "I was almost duped. Why should I accept you just because you said that you like me? Isn't that too good to be true?"

Gan Qingjia looked to the skies helplessly, his confidence shattered. As the Third Master of Chang'an, I am ashamed to witness my failure at winning her heart right away. But what can I do? She's got me.

"I'll bring you somewhere. You can give me an answer after that." Gan Qingjia held her hand and led her through the alley, heading in the opposite direction. Qi Jianqiu did not break free of his grip, and neither did she think that she could stop all of his advances in their tracks with just a simple "I do not like you".

She did not.