Chapter 139 Burnt Ends: Feelings

Transmigration: Of Mysteries and Songs

Chapter 139 Burnt Ends: Feelings

“Someone had buried a chronic poison inside this pot. It is very likely that the poison had originated from the North.” The physician stroked his white beard and said seriously, “This poison will not have such a huge effect on a normal person. However, it is similar to the poison that Master Jiang had when he was young. I’m sure you can imagine how much harm it can do to Master Jiang.”

The physician shook his head as he continued, “I am very sorry about this. I have been in Master’s room so many times but did not notice the presence of this poison.”

The rest were sombre as well. To think that someone used such a treacherous move to hurt Jiang Moyin and they didn’t notice anything.

“Who always enters the room? Investigate every single one of them,” Gan Qingjia looked at the head steward sternly.

The head steward immediately answered, “There are not many people who could enter Master’s room. There are the handmaidens, the two attendants, the physician, a commander and lastly the three of you and Miss Feng.”

The head steward thought for a while and added, “The Heir came half a month ago as well.”

The physician shook his head, “Looking at the colour of the poison, it has at least been here for at least a month.”

“That will eliminate the Heir. Investigate the rest.” Gan Qingjia ordered.

The head steward quickly departed with his assignment.

Xue Yiqi looked at Gan Qingjia with mixed feelings. In just a few months, his third brother had changed from a flirtatious man who loved drinking to one of the youngest and most talented 2nd Rank Officer, while he was still holding a position that is neither high nor low.

“What are you thinking about?” Gan Qingjia patted him with his fan.

Xue Yiqi recovered from his thoughts, flustered. “Shall I take a look at Second Brother since I am not of much help here?”

Gan Qingjia frowned and decided to inform Situ about Xue Yiqi. Xue Yiqi might be more receptive if Situ talked to him, knowing the respect Xue Yiqi had for his First Brother.


The head steward was very efficient quickly returned with the details of his investigation.

“Master Gan, I have investigated everyone. There is no problem with anyone,” the head steward wondered, “who else had entered master’s room before?”

No one suspected the Four Masters of Chang'an or Feng Luodi.

Xue Qiyi came out then. “Maybe we forgot someone? Why not we list out everyone that had been to the room? It would be safer that way.”

Xue Yiqi’s suggestion reminded Gan Qingjia of someone.

“There was one other person who came here before.” Gan Qingjia’s face changed as he looked at Xue Yiqi hesitantly. “I’ve brought Linglong here before.”

“Is she the culprit?” Xue Yiqi questioned, “She is just an artist. Why would she do this?”

“And she harboured feelings for Moyin.” Gan Qingjia’s eyes narrowed, “But there is another possibility.”

“What possibility?” Xue Yiqi and the head steward asked simultaneously.

Gan Qingjia didn’t answer them and replied, “I have to deal with something. Yiqi, you stay here and continue the investigation.” He turned and left without waiting for their response.


The next day, the son of the Minister of the Left, the current acting Imperial Treasurer proposed to the daughter of the Minister of the Right, Qi Jianqiu. Most importantly, the Minister of the Right did not object to the proposal and proceeded to ask the Emperor to host their marriage.

The Imperial Decree was given and Gan Qingjia and Qi Jianqiu’s marriage became a reality.

When this news was spread throughout the city, many of the bachelors in the capital who had admired Qi Jianqiu bemoaned their loss and many ladies cried when they knew that the handsome Gan Qingjia was no longer single. However, the Eight Prince and the Heir sighed for different reasons. The Eight Prince sighed because he had lost another chance to rope the Minister of the Right into his wing while the Heir totally gave up on regaining the support of the Minister of the Left. In his eyes, the Minister of the Left was just toying with him and had never actually wanted to support him.

The Minister of the Left felt helpless. One look and he knew that his son had planned this marriage with the Minister of the Right right from the start. He had no choice. After all, there was no way he could dash his son’s hopes just do please the Heir. At the same time, the Minister of the Left was disheartened by how the Heir had treated Jiang Moyin. After what had happened, he had decided not to support the Heir anymore.

Gan Qinjia comforted the Minister of the Left. “Father, just stay at home and spend more time with Mother. If you don’t find it too tiring, I will marry Qi Jianqiu faster and give you some pretty grand-daughters to play with.”

“And a grand-son too,” the Minister of the Left added on.

Gan Qingjia pouted, “I don’t want a son. If the son keeps causing me to worry, I will feel like beating him up. I just want a filial daughter.”

The Minister of the Left grunted, “I want to beat you a lot of times too.” He turned and walked back to his room, a big grin on his face where Gan Qingjia could not see it.

Gan Qingjia shrugged and grinned.

Gan Qingjia was successful and well-contented. So was Situ. Though his injuries were not as serious as what everyone had imagined, he continued to pretend that he couldn’t get out of bed to confuse his enemies and also, to let Feng Luodi worry about him so that she would treat him well.

Gan Qingjia and his the Convert Watch proclaimed that such actions were disgraceful. Situ calmly replied that it was because they didn’t have anyone that they liked. Gan Qingjia quickly switched sides, sneering at the Convert Watch along with Situ and laughed at them for always being alone.

The Convert Watch felt resentful but couldn’t do anything about it.


“What soup did you make today?” Situ struggled out of bed and looked at the lunchbox in anticipation.

“It’s made from the Northern Snakehead.” Feng Luodi placed the lunchbox on the table and said after confirming that Situ seemed better, “I heard this is really good for the healing of wounds.”

SItu smiled gently. He never believed such sayings.

“Did you make it yourself?” Situ grinned. He loved to see Feng Luodi’s agitated expression.

However, Feng Luodi answered calmly, “Yes, but I am not good at cooking so the taste might not be good.”

Feng Luodi took out a bowl and a spoon and started scooping the soup for Situ. Situ’s gaze fell on her hand and his expression changed. He grabbed Feng Luodi’s hand and slightly lifted her sleeve to reveal a bandage.

He said coldly, “What happened?”

Feng Luodi retracted her hand and played with her hair shyly, “Well, I’m not very good at there will be accidents.”

Situ face became gentle and said, “Don’t make soup anymore.”

“Hmm,” Feng Luodi blinked, “you don’t want to drink soup anymore? Although my skills are not good, you did finish all the soups that I made for the past few days.”

Situ asked Feng Luodi to sit down and stroked her hand. Feng Luodi wanted to dodge away but was pulled back by Situ.

“Can’t you see that my heart hurts?” Situ said without a change in expression.

Feng Luodi said, “IIt is weird to hear you say such things. Don’t say it again.”

“Really?” Situ raised his eyebrows and touched Feng Luodi’s ear, “Why is this red then?”

Feng Luodi’s body went stiff from the touch. Situ put his hand away and calmly drank the soup.

The weather is good today, let’s go take a walk.”

Feng Luodi finally found a chance to retaliate, “I am always walking around. You are the one who will be sprouting mushrooms if you continue to stay in your room any longer.” She cleared the plates, urging Situ to change quickly.

Situ calmly changed his clothes in front of Feng Luodi and wore his shoes. Feng Luodi turned watched on as he changed, seemingly bewitched. When she caught hold of herself, she turned and fled out of the room, blushing furiously. Feng Luodi covered her face. What am I doing? Was I bewitched by him?

Situ chuckled and followed behind her.

The Convert Watch was hiding around them and they all shook their heads. The laughter from their General was full of energy, his body already fully recovered. Poor Miss Feng. She is smart, but not smart enough to notice that.

When they reached the courtyard, the two of them looked and each other and did not know what to do. Although they did say they would take a walk, they couldn’t just walk and do nothing.

“Why not we do something interesting?” Situ suddenly looked at Feng Luodi, a serious expression on his face.

Feng Luodi wasn’t used to the sudden change in tone and quickly turned away. “No, I’m just going to stand here quietly and watch you take a walk.”

Situ was confused but immediately understood what was going on. He held back his laughter and waved Feng Luodi over. Feng Luodi hesitated and slowly inched towards him.

Situ grabbed Feng Luodi and pulled her into his arms. He caressed her hair, “I feel satisfied as long as you are beside me.”

The Convert Watch felt goosebumps crawling all over their skin. General, please consider our feelings! You can’t do this blatantly in public. The Convert Watch was thinking about this and suddenly, Situ put his hand behind his back and waved.

The Convert Watch looked at each other and slinked away unwillingly. They felt that there would be a good “show” coming up but the consequences of watching their General’s “show” was very possibly too much to bear. When the courtyard was finally clear, Situ continued to hug Feng Luodi and admired the scenery in the courtyard. No one spoke as they enjoyed their cosy moment.

Feng Luodi stayed in position for a while before squirming uncomfortably. She looked up at Situ. Throat. Chin. Mouth.


Feng Luodi suddenly blushed and felt embarrassed by the thought that snuck its way into her head. However, she remembered that she was kissed by him unwillingly once and felt unhappy. She gathered her courage and moved. As Situ was distracted, she reached up and pecked him on his lips.

Feng Luodi just wanted to give him a small peck but Situ would not let go of this opportunity. He hugged her tightly around her waist and kissed her deeply.

The flowers bloomed around them as Spring blossomed between the couple, standing together in the courtyard with their lips pressed tightly together.