Chapter 199 Sonorous: The Bleak Situation

Transmigration: Of Mysteries and Songs

From Situ's narration, Feng Luodi now knew that the Eighth Prince who had schemed to force the Emperor to abdicate had already ran away to the Huns. He self-proclaimed himself as the 'Ren' Emperor of the Xuan Kingdom, so the Huns now fought under the banner of 'Ren Country' and allied with the surrounding countries to press in at the borders in the deserts of the North. Several cities had already been taken.

Several countries allied to invade the borders in the deserts of the North. Feng Luodi could already imagine how dangerous it'd be and couldn't help but cry out in alarm.

“The Eighth Prince actually helped other countries to attack his own country for the throne? Is he insane?"

"He isn’t the only one so warped by power like that."

Situ sneered. He had served the Imperial family for more than ten years, and people like the Eighth Prince, he had already seen so many that he’d lost count of them.

"Is Xianbei also one of the countries attacking the Xuan Kingdom?"

Feng Luodi suddenly recalled the former Crown Prince of Xianbei. He was now the Emperor of Xianbei and was once Situ's good friend.

Feng Luodi got her answer from the slight frown forming on Situ's features.

“I have faith in General Zhang Xin and the other generals. Even though the allied forces of those countries are pressing their way in at the borders, they wouldn’t be able to do anything to the generals.”

Feng Luodi moved her hand on top of Situ's big hand. The familiar feeling made Feng Luodi feel real, that she was still alive and living as Feng Luodi.

"Indeed, Old Zhang and Shifei's ability can still be trusted."

The dark expression on Situ's face didn't improve as he continued, "But these days, there are too many vile people and two faced backstabbers, so even the Emperor's become somewhat rattled."    Feng Luodi thought of Xuan De Emperor, who used to be in a very sorry position during his time as the First Prince. On the day he ascended, Feng Luodi was one of those greeting at the Imperial Palace under Duke of An Ping. Just from a faraway glance, Feng Luodi could tell that the current Xuan De Emperor with authority in his hands was no longer the same gentle, benevolent First Prince from back then.

In other words, as early as the First Prince's people secretly poisoned her, she knew that the First Prince was no longer the innocent boy from before. The new Emperor was now a supreme ruler with absolute authority. Just a month after ascending the throne, he subdued the Imperial Court officials and most importantly, he won the hearts of the citizens. Once he won the hearts of the people, no matter what policies he implemented next, the citizens wouldn’t feel discontented.

Such a person should be a wise ruler, right?

Feng Luodi cast a worried glance at Situ.

"So the Emperor ordered you to go to the deserts of the North to face that army?"

The smile on Situ's face disappeared at the mention of the bitter, approaching reality. She remembered that in the battle against the Huns, the Northern Army had been utterly defeated time after time. Situ had gone with reinforcements, but then, something happened.

Feng Luodi suddenly clutched the clothes above her chest, a pained expression appearing on her face.

Situ lowered his head to comfort Feng Luodi only to see the pained look on her face.

"Luodi, what happened to you? I'll get somebody to call over a doctor."

"No need."

Feng Luodi clutched her clothes with one hand and grabbed Situ's robes with the other, giving him a forced smile.

"I was just thinking about some things and then my chest started to hurt. It'll stop hurting if I don't think about it anymore."

Feng Luodi didn't expect her words to make Situ fall silent. She suddenly realised that she had made Situ misunderstand and became worried again. She hurriedly held Situ's drooping head forcefully.

The slight pain made Situ raise his eyes to stare at Feng Luodi, finding the same, pained expression on her face and asked with a husky voice, “Will you leave again?”

Even if her heart had long made a decision, no matter what she said here, he wouldn't give in or let her go. He wouldn't let this woman disappear from his world ever again.

Feng Luodi finally forced away the scene of defeat from her mind after great difficulty and once she felt better, peeked at Situ's expression.

Her heart was sour as her eyes flowed with even more love.

Her body unconsciously rose up. She wanted to wrap her hands around Situ's neck but failed, not having the strength to do so, her hands ultimately landing on his shoulders.

"Situ, I'm sorry."

I'm sorry for making you sad. I'm sorry for hurting you so many times. I'm sorry…I won't let there be anything more to be sorry about in the future.

But these words made Situ misunderstand, the hopeful light vanishing from his eyes, turning his deep eyes completely dark. His scorching hot gaze landed on Feng Luodi's lips which she had unconsciously been biting. He lowered his head, seizing her lips and forcefully wandering in. His hand embracing Feng Luodi also tightened as if he wanted to meld their bodies together so they would never part.

Feng Luodi who had originally felt like there wasn't enough oxygen now felt even more breathless. She wanted to push Situ away, but didn't have the strength to and could only lie in his embrace, paralyzed, allowing him to vent his feelings.

After a long time, Situ finally raised his head up slightly and gazed at her, travelling from her fiercely pumping chest up to her swollen, red lips before swooping in for another kiss.

Feng Luodi, who took advantage of the break to catch her breath quickly leaned back, her body touching the soft quilt. She had just felt it was no longer so strenuous when Situ let go, letting her fall on the bed and leaning down on her once more.

The same misty, brown eyes that reflected only him, a flushed face, and rosy lips just like that night made him recall the wondrous pleasure that time. Feng Luodi's body was currently too weak to bear it, but he could still collect some interest for now.

When Feng Luodi saw Situ begin to untie her belt, she slowly recovered from her dazed state and continued to hold Situ's hand powerlessly, speaking strenuously.

"Situ, hear me out."

Situ's hand paused, but his gaze was still burning as he stared at Feng Luodi. His eyes were filled with a mix of grief and lust so strong that it could almost drip out.

"Situ," On the bed, Feng Luodi took a deep breath and called out, her tone serious.

"I won't leave again, I'll marry you. We have countless days in our future together, we don't have to rush."

Upon hearing this, immense joy instantly flooded Situ. However, Situ was still Situ. He quickly recovered his calm as he stared at Feng Luodi deeply, his lips curving into a mischievous smile.

"Were you inviting me just now?"

"Huh?" Feng Luodi widened her eyes in confusion, completely unaware of how dangerous her current posture with Situ was. How were her words any bit inviting to Situ just now?

"Countless days in our future together." Situ sighed before lowering his head, his warm breath lingering on Feng Luodi's neck.

Three days later, Situ got the imperial edict to leave for the deserts of the North. He was to lead the Northern Army to repel the Huns and allied countries and capture the traitorous Eight Prince.

In the back garden, Lady Feng was holding Feng Luodi's hand, unwilling to part with her.

"What an unlucky year," Lady Feng's face was filled with worry.

"You two have already experienced so many trials and hardships, why won't the Heavens just give you two some time to get married before letting something happen again? I originally thought that after the new Emperor ascended the throne, my wish would be granted and you two could settle down. However, you two fell out instead, neither wanting to marry the other. Now that you’ve made up and you're both ready to marry, something had to happen in the deserts of the North. He's a general, so he must go to preside over the overall situation at the North, but why must a young girl like you go as well?"

Lady Feng prattled on to Feng Luodi endlessly, refusing to let go. At the side, Scarlet who was carrying Feng Luodi's cloth bundle gave a helpless shrug towards her pleading eyes.

Looks like Miss wouldn’t leave this place anymore. Scarlet smiled at this thought, she was extremely happy. Knowing this, she could rest assured now.

On the other hand, after listening to Lady Feng's lectures for so long, Feng Luodi really couldn't help but say something.

"But Mother, two years ago, Situ and I weren't familiar with each other. Didn't you still let me go to the deserts of the North with him? There's nothing different about it this time."

Feng Luodi decided to rely on luck and earnestly hope that Lady Feng didn't know the situation in the deserts of the North.

But her luck wasn't infinite. Lady Feng patted Feng Luodi's hand and grumbled.

"Last time, the deserts of the North was safe, so of course I wouldn't mind you going there. This time, however, it's different. Weapons don't have eyes on the battlefield and you don't know martial arts, so what if you get hurt?"

Hearing this, Feng Luodi quickly comforted Lady Feng with a soft voice, "Mother, I'm just staying in the barracks; I’m not going to the battlefield. The barracks are very safe, so you don’t have to worry."

Lady Feng still wanted to say, “What if the army was defeated, then the barracks wouldn't be safe,” but when she saw how much faith Feng Luodi had in Situ and the earnest look in her daughter’s eyes, she decided to stay quiet.

"If you say so…Mother won't stop you anymore."

Lady Feng ultimately gave in.

"Then you have to promise Mother that you will definitely return to Chang'an as fit as a fiddle. You must write back every ten days and obediently marry Situ and settle down once you return."

"What does writing letters have anything to do with getting married?"

Feng Luodi didn't understand Lady Feng's logic at all, but upon seeing the start of a frown forming, she hurriedly promised her.

"Alright, I'll do as Mother says. Mother can feel at ease now, right?"

Feng Luodi revealed a genuine and sincere smile at Lady Feng.

"Mother should also take care of yourself. Don't do anything dangerous and if something happens, talk to Scarlet and the others. Don't forget to reply to my letter as well."

Hearing Scarlet’s name, Lady Feng asked again.

“You really won't bring Scarlet and Jet along with you to the North? What if there’s no one to take care of you?”

Feng Luodi shook her head with a smile.

"It's inconvenient to have women going in and out of the barracks constantly, I can take care of myself."

Her words were contradicting, but upon thinking of the steady and earnest Situ, Lady Feng set aside her anxiety and let go of Feng Luodi's hand.

Following this, Feng Luodi and Situ mounted Whirlwind and left the Feng Residence.

Situ's lips curved into a slight smile as he looked at the gentle and elegant woman sitting in front of him, his happiness apparent on his face.

"How wonderful, Mother finally agreed to let you come along."

Feng Luodi turned to look at the evidently happy Situ and frowned slightly.

"I still haven't married you and you're already calling her 'Mother', aren't you embarrassed of yourself?"

Situ's eyes were still as gentle as before as he allowed Whirlwind to speed past the main army while he watched Feng Luodi leisurely.

"Are you sure it's not you who’s embarrassed?"

"Huh?" Feng Luodi blinked, not understanding what he meant.

"Why would I be embarrassed?"

"Three days ago."

Situ only said those three words, his voice as calm as ever. He reached around Feng Luodi to pull on the reins, as if drawing her into his embrace.

Three days ago?

Feng Luodi continued to blink with a puzzled look on her face before realisation dawned on her. She buried her face in her scarf, her face as red as a tomato while she glared at Situ.

"If you mention it again, I won't marry you!"

Situ remained unperturbed.

"It’s not up to you anymore. I've already gotten the nod of approval from Father- and Mother-in-Law. The betrothal gifts have already been sent out, the wedding date has already been set. Even my bride is in my hands right now, so are you sure that you can refuse to marry?"

Feng Luodi was speechless. Since when did Situ become so vigorous and mischievous?